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  • Neotinea ustulata. | Orchidé

    Neotinea ustulata. Orchis brûlé. Burnt orchid. A superb little orchid whose labellum shape is reminiscent of the purple orchid. But careful observation quickly makes us aware of the differences. The plant measures from 10 to 30 cm and bears a variable inflorescence of tiny helmet flowers (sepals and petals join to form a helmet above the labellum). The labellum is white dotted with small purple dots while the helmet is more or less dark purple. This orchid is found in a large part of the territory outside the North of France from May to the beginning of July depending on the region and altitude (up to 2000 m). It can be abundant or rare depending on the biotope, disappearing quickly if the vegetation is stifling because it prefers meadows of short grass. There is a species or subspecies ( Neotinea aestivalis ) which flowers in July in the Alps and is said to be taller with a more developed flower stem. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Serapias parviflora | Orchidé

    Serapias parviflora. Serapias à petites fleurs. Small flowers tongue orchid. In the Serapias family, it is the smallest. Not by the size of the stem but by the smallness of the flowers. The floral stem therefore remains very slender. Mainly Mediterranean, but also from the Atlantic coast to Brittany. Size from 10 to 30 cm. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Orchis anthropophora. | Orchidé

    Orchis anthropophora. Orchis homme pendu. Man orchid The Hanging Man Orchid is part of the Orchis genus, which has largely been stripped of many species now classified in the Anacamptis or Dactylorhiza genera. It was part of the Aceras genus, which now has no representatives in France. Orchis are tuberous orchids, usually having two which gave them their Greek name Orchis which means testicle. One of the tubers allows the growth of the plant while the second forms during this same period and will replace the original tuber gradually withered the following year. If we were to dig up an orchid (which I of course prohibit), we would therefore find the tuber of the year more or less withered, the tuber in the making for the future season and sometimes an old one totally withered from the previous year. Orchids are fairly tall plants (20 to 60 cm), rather robust and easily spotted in meadows, wastelands or light undergrowth. The preferred soils are generally calcareous or marly and rather dry. The sepals and lateral petals are united to form a "helmet" while the central petal (labellum) offers a fairly complex shape that varies from one species to another. Three Orchis are quite close morphologically and "coloristically": Orchis militaris (Military Orchis), Orchis purpurea (Purple Orchis) and Orchis simia (Monkey Orchis). Hybridizations are therefore possible that will not allow a certain identification. Of a color where green dominates, but with yellow and a little purple tints, it is generally not very colorful. Its labellum is long and narrow, a bit like a silhouette whose legs and arms hang down along the body, hence its name "hanging man" in French and "Man orchid" in English. It likes drained limestone soils and is often found on small slopes, edges of paths, embankments, rarely on forest paths but sometimes on the edge of woods. It hybridizes easily with other Orchis (military, purple or monkey). Present in many departments (except Brittany), it flowers between the end of April and the end of June depending on the region and altitude. It is one of the most common orchids in France. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Ophrys insectifera. | Orchidé

    Ophrys insectifera. Ophrys mouche. Fly orchid Ophrys of Western Europe mainly, the Ophrys insectifera although quite widespread in France will escape quick glances. The flowers are few in number, small and elongated on stems of 15 to 60 cm. Little colored apart from a more or less bright gray band on the labellum. This orchid flowers between mid-April and the end of June up to 1500 meters. As with almost all Ophrys, the shape of the labellum will present varied forms: more or less wide or cut. If we clearly distinguish the 3 green sepals at the back, the two lateral sepals are reduced to the state of thin "antennas" more or less short of the same color as the labellum. A subspecies endemic to Aveyron (Ophrys aymoninii) has a yellow margin. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Traunsteinera globosa. | Orchidé

    Traunsteinera globosa. Orchis globuleux. Globe orchid. This orchid has a marked preference for altitude! It can be found from 1000 m in the Alps and sometimes the Massif Central. Its distribution is European but covers the Alpine massif only. Unique in its genus in France, a second species is found in Turkey. A fairly tall plant (between 20 and 50 cm), it grows in meadows and will blend in from afar with other flowers with a large abundance and similar silhouette (the knautia in particular) and may therefore not be recognized even by an experienced orchidophile. Same general appearance, same height, same color, so you will have to be careful. The leaves have the same shade as the stem and are more or less sheathing, so sometimes not very visible in dense vegetation. The "ball" inflorescence with a high density of flowers deserves to be observed closely in order to admire their complexity. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Pseudophrys non déterminés | Orchidé

    Undetermined pseudophrys . The pseudophrys are sometimes difficult to determine on the one hand because the authors do not agree and as already indicated, the iconographic base supposed to illustrate their guides is limited and varies enormously from one guide to another. The descriptive part is also confusing because the criteria are broad and overlap from one species to another. In their defense, hybrids are common. Should we only see in this case Ophrys fusca and countless varieties or subspecies as long as we agree on stable characters. An observation of a few days in the Aude left me perplexed, here is an anthology of the specimens encountered. In mainland France, you will find on the Parthénope guide of the orchids of France (Bournérias and Prat) O. vasconica, O. lupercalis, O. bilunulata, O. forêti, O. sulcata. Ophrys fusca being considered as an Iberian species. The guide to European orchids from the same publisher (Kühn, Pedersen, Cribb), on the other hand, only recognizes Ophyrs fusca as a species and O. vasconica as a hybrid. Delforge in his guide to orchids in France (ed Delachaux) names O. delforgei, O. bilunulata, O. fusca, O. lupercalis, O. arnoldii, O. forêti, O. sulcata, O. vasconica._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Delforge on the one hand and Bournérias and Prat therefore agree on almost all the species and their distribution. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Ophrys massiliensis. | Orchidé

    Ophrys massiliensis. Ophrys de Marseille. Early spider orchid. Almost nothing will differentiate it from the Ophrys aranifera/sphegodes (Spider Orchid) from a morphological point of view. Its labellum a little smaller perhaps? Carrying a caliper or being able to compare the 2 species in the same place is not the most convenient, even impossible since its singularity lies in its precocity because it flowers in the south of France from January most often but sometimes from the end of December. It is therefore officially only a subspecies or early regional variety, very similar to the Ophrys sphegodes (Spider Orchid). Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Gymnadenia corneliana. | Orchidé

    Gymnadenia corneliana. Nigritelle rose/de Cornelia. Nigritella are high altitude orchids only. They can be found in the Massif Central or the Jura for the lowest altitudes but abundantly in the Alps and also in the Pyrenees. Differentiating the species will be a complicated task because even within a station we will find plants with more or less conical or round spikes, more or less elongated. The coloring is generally purple as for many high altitude plants. All species have a more or less pronounced smell of vanilla. It will therefore be necessary to rely on specialized works to find distinctive signs in the shape of the labella and bracts. This species is found only in the Alps. It displays a pink coloration at the bottom of the inflorescence and bracts longer than the latter. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Cephalanthera rubra. | Orchidé

    Cephalanthera rubra. Cephalanthère rouge. Red helleborine. Cephalantheres are generally light undergrowth orchids. The flowers open little except for the Rubra species presented here. It is described as red but is clearly closer to pink. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Epipactis distans. | Orchidé

    Epipactis distans. Epipactis à feuilles écartées . . The flower is typical of Epipactis in its shape with petals and sepals of the same whitish/greenish colour. The hypochile is dark brown in colour. Like all Epipactis, it flowers in June/July in semi-shade. It can also be found on the side of the road in open terrain but at altitude. In Epipactis, the labellum is divided into two parts: the hypochile, concave, contains more or less nectar, which gives it a shiny appearance, and the epichile, often pointed, sometimes folded, with a complex appearance, rarely smooth and covered with bumps, hollows or furrows that allow insects to cling while they draw nectar. Petals and sepals are generally of the same color, more or less greenish. The pollinia, once stuck on the head of the insect, slowly disintegrate, which allows several flowers to be fertilized. Click on the photos to enlarge

  • Orchidee Sauvage | Photos d'orchidées francaises et européennes

    5I8A5247 Décrivez votre image. Non-commercial site: you will never be asked for your personal details or to make any payment on this site. Photos of wild orchids Discover Orchids from France and Europe by Pascal Decologne. France : Aveyron, Aude, Lozère, Côte d'Or, Jura, Savoie, Essonne, Seine & Marne, Yvelines. Sardinia (Italy) Gargano (Italy) Quick Access: Basics of Orchids Get free high definition files on demand: Order form . Orchids of France These orchids are present in France and of course for the vast majority in other European countries. There are no species of orchids endemic to France, but there are sometimes regional varieties that can be elevated to the rank of subspecies ( Ophrys aymoninii for example). Clic on pictures below to see more. Cypripedium calceolus. S abot de Venus. Lady's slipper. Updated 09/2023 . Spiranthes spiralis. Spiranthe d'automne. Autum n lady's tresses. Updated 09/2023 . Anacamptis longicornu. Orchis à long éperon. Long spurred orchid. Updated 09/2023. Anacamptis pyramidalis. Orchis pyramidal. Pyramidal orchid. Updated 09/2023. Orchis simia. Orchis singe. Mon key orchid. Updated 09/2023. Orchis anthropophora. Orchis homme pendu. Ma n orchid. Updated 09/2023. Traunsteinera globosa. Orchis globuleux. Globe orchid. Updated 09/2023. Gymnadenia rhellicani. Orchis vanille. Updated 09/2023 Platanthera bifolia. Platanthère à deux feuilles. Lesser butterfly orchid. Updated 09/2023. Neottia ovata. Listère ovale. Common twayblade. Updated 10/2023. Epipactis helleborine. Epipactis à larges feuilles . Broad leaved helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Epipactis microphylla. Epipactis à petites feuilles. Small leaved helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Neotinea lactea. Orchis lacté . Milky orchid . Updated 10/2023. Neotinea ustulata. Orchis brûlé. Burnt orchid. Updated 10/2023. Dactylorhiza maculata. Orchis maculé/tacheté. Heath spotted orchid. Updated 10/2023. Dactylorhiza sambucina. Orchis sureau. Elder flowered orchid. Updated 10/2023. Cephalanthera damasonium. Cephalanthère blanche. Large white helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Ophrys scolopax. Ophrys bécasse. Woodcock orchid. Updated 12/2023 Ophrys sphegodes/aranifera. Ophrys araignée. Early spider orchid . Updated 01/2024. Ophrys massiliensis. Ophrys de Marseille. Early spider orchid . Updated 12/2023 Ophrys lutea. Ophrys jaune. Yellow bee orchid. Updated 01/2024. Pseudophrys non déterminés Ophrys speculum. Ophrys miroir. Mirror orchid. Updated 12/2023 Serapias lingua. Serapias en langue. Tongue orchid. Updated 09/2023. Goodyera repens. Goody ère rampante. Creeping lady's tresses. Updated 09/2023. Anacamptis laxiflora. Orc his à fleurs lâches. Loose-flowered orchid. Updated 12/2024. Orchis purpurea. Orchis pourpre. Purple orchid. Updated 09/2023. Orchis mascula. Orchis mâle. Ma le orchid. Updated 09/2023. Himantoglossum hircinum. Orc his bouc. Lizard orchid. Updated 09/2023. Gymnadenia conopsea. Orchis moucheron. Fragrant orchid. Updated 09/2023 Gymnadenia corneliana. Nigritelle rose/de Cornelia. Updated 09/2023 Pseudorchis albida. Orchis miel. Small white orchid. Updated 10/2023. Neottia nidus-avis. Neottie nid d'oiseau. Bird's nest orchid. Updated 10/2023 Epipactis muelleri. Epipactis de Müller. Mueller's helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Epipactis palustris. Epipactis des marais. Marsh helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Neotinea tridentata. Orchis tridenté . . Updated 10/2023. Limodorum abortivum. Limodore à feuilles avortées. Violet limodore. Updated 10/2023. Dactylorhiza elata. Orchis élevé. Robust marsh orchid. Updated 10/2023. Cephalanthera rubra. Cephalanthère rouge. Red helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Ophrys apifera. Ophrys abeille. Bee orchid. Updated 12/2023. Ophrys tenthredinifera. Ophrys guêpe. Sawfly orchid . Updated 02/2024. Ophrys incubacea. Ophrys noir. . Updated 01/2024. Ophrys araneola. Ophrys petite araignée. Early spider orchid. Updated 08/2024. Ophrys lupercalis. Ophrys des lupercales. Dark bee orchid. Ophrys insectifera. Ophrys mouche. Fly orchid. Updated 12/2023. Ophrys bombyliflora. Ophrys bombyx. Bumble bee orchid. Updated 12/2023 Serapias parviflora. S erapias à pe tites fleurs. Small flower tongue orchid. Updated 09/2023. Anacamptis morio. Orch is bouffon. Green winged orchid. Updated 09/2023. Anacamptis papilionacea. Orc his papillon. Pink butterfly orchid. Updated 09/2023. Orchis militaris. Orchis militaire. Militar y orchid. Updated 09/2023. Orchis provincialis. Orchis de Provence. Pro vence orchid. Updated 09/2023. Himantoglossum robertianum. Barlie d e Robert. Giant orchid. Updated 09/2023 . Gymnadenia odoratissima. Orchis très odorant. Short spurred fragrant orchid. Updated 09/2023 Platanthera chlorantha. Platanthère verte. Greater butterfly orchid. Updated 09/2023. Coeloglossum viride. (D viridis) Orchis grenouille. Frog orchid. Updated 08/2024. Epipactis atrorubens. Epipactis pourpre. Dark red helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Epipactis distans. Epipactis à feuilles distantes. . Updated 10/2023. Epipactis purpurata. Epipactis pourpre . Violet helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Neotinea maculata. Orchis intact. Dense flowered orchid. Updated 10/2023. Dactylorhiza fuchsii. Orchis de Fuchs. Common spotted orchid. Updated 10/2023. Dactylorhiza incarnata. Orchis incarnat. Early marsh orchid. Updated 10/2023. Cephalanthera longifolia. Cephalanthère à longues feuilles. Sword leaved helleborine. Updated 10/2023. Ophrys fuciflora. Ophrys frelon. Late spider orchid. Updated 12/2023 Ophrys aveyronensis. Ophrys de l'Aveyron. Updated 02/2024. Ophrys passionis/caloptera. Ophrys de la passion. Ophrys arachnitiformis. Ophrys en forme d'araignée. False spider orchid. Updated 08/2024. Ophrys fusca. Ophrys brun. Dark bee orchid. Updated 03/2024. Ophrys aymoninii. Ophrys d'Aymonin. Fly orchid. Updated 12/2023. Orchids of Sardinia Presentation of some endemic species of Sardinia (or mainly present on the island and rarely elsewhere). Click on pictures to access the gallery Ophrys annae. Ophrys d'Anne. Ophrys fuciflora subsp. annae . Updated 09/2024 Ophrys exaltata morisii. Ophrys de Moris. Ophrys x arachnitiformis . Updated 09/2024 Ophrys chestermanii. Ophrys de Chesterman. Ophrys fuciflora subsp. chestermanii . Updated 09/2024 Ophrys fusca iricolor subsp. eleonorae. Ophrys d'Eleonore . Updated 09/2024 Ophrys normanii. Ophrys de Norman. Ophrys tenthredinifera subsp. normanii . Updated 09/2024 Orchis ichnusae. Ophrys de Sardaigne. Ophrys mascula subsp. ichnusae . Updated 09/2024 Orchids from Monte Gargano (Pouilles, It) Presentation of some typical species of Monte Gargano. (and not common with the French species presented above). Located in southern Italy, in the Puglia region, at the height of Naples, Monte Gargano is a small massif with mainly limestone soil that juts out into the Adriatic Sea. The lower part to the west attached to the Italian boot is a cultivated plain and the massif to the east is a land of olive trees and semi-dense forest. Its highest point is at 1050 meters (Monte Calvo - Bald Mountain), which installs a relative layering of vegetation from sea level to the summit plateaus and thus allows to observe a great diversity of orchids. The deciduous forest shelters only a few orchids, it will therefore be necessary to look for them on the edges or on the limestone plateaus often particularly bare. The little plant substrate on certain karst limestone slabs does not prevent the development of species of which some abound ( Anacamptis morio and papilionacea in particular). Over a full year, between 70 and 80 species and subspecies of orchids can be observed. Click on the photos to access the orchid species galleries. Orchis quadripunctata. Orchis à 4 points. Four spotted orchid. Updated 09/2024 Dactylorhiza romana. Orchis de Rome. Roman orchid. Updated 09/2024 Ophrys apulica. Ophrys des Pouilles. Ophrys fuciflora subsp. apulica. Updated 09/2024 Orchis italica. Orchis d'Italie. Naked man orchid. Updated 09/2024 Ophrys bertolonii-bertoloniiformis. Ophrys de Bertoloni. Bertoloni's bee orchid. Updated 09/2024 Ophrys parvimaculata. Ophrys à petite macule. Ophrys fuciflora subsp. parvimaculata. Updated 09/2024 Orchis pauciflora. Orchis pauciflore. Sparse flowered orchid. Updated 09/2024 Ophrys biscutella. Ophrys à 2 losanges. . Updated 09/2024 Ophrys parvimaculata. Ophrys à petite macule. Ophrys fuciflora subsp. parvimaculata. Updated 09/2024 Ophrys apulica. Ophrys des Pouilles. Ophrys fuciflora subsp. apulica. Updated 09/2024 Free orchid illustration photos : The photographs presented are not downloadable but as they are not for sale either, I can provide files on request and free of charge. Tell me the desired views, the required definition and the use you wish to make of them beforehand. Indicate the desired reference in the contact form. Ex: OP/AP 01 (Ophrys apifera 01) which appears in the photo caption.

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